Many of us make the occasional attempt to improve ourselves by eating better and committing to workout on a regular basis. While the goal is generally to look and feel better, often our attempts simply do not last for any considerable length of time.


There are no shortcuts to a better body, a new self, or a sense of achieving renewed vigor or vitality. Losing weight and getting in shape is hard work. I struggle with it and I’ll venture to guess that you do too. Nonetheless, there is hope!

Imagine an exercise program that can give you a firmer, flatter stomach. Imagine an exercise program that builds muscle and burns fat. Imagine an exercise program that provides you with more energy. Imagine working out and looking like an athlete even if you aren’t one…

Well you can! Using a 30-, 60-, or 90-day program offered by Beachbody and some other select exercise routines, you can achieve your fitness goals for far less than a gym membership that you’ll hardly ever use. Instead, you can workout in the comfort of your home and get in the best shape of your life.

I am a fan and user of Beachbody products, which is the reason I started this site. While striving to reach and maintain my fitness goals from day to day, I’ve had successes and failures along the way. I’ll be sharing those here as well as recommendations to help you with your own fitness goals.

Coach Ronda